Thursday, November 4, 2010

3 players verdicts and one still waits in anticipation

When looking at the recent rulings in the NCAA investigation that took place at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill we see that 2 players have been kicked off the team but allowed to keep their scholarships and one player kicked out of the school entirely along with one individual still waiting for a verdict.  Now is this wrong some say no they deserve what they got and then we have others that believe the punishments are too harsh.  Personally I think that the two players that were suspended may have gotten what they deserved they broke the rules of the NCAA and they had to pay a certain price but in the end they will receive a education and that’s what matters in this world not how nice of a person you are or how smart you can be this world is about if you have a degree or you don’t.  The player that was kicked out of school may go to the NFL and he may play for a number of years.  But football does not last forever and the University has taken that opportunity away for that individual which is worse than just taking football away.  Last but not least the player that is still under investigation, yes he is still in school and he will get his degree but he is being held back by the NCAA in his football career.  As I stated in a earlier post the NCAA investigations are conducted backwards you are guilty until proven innocent.  I think this is wrong and it is robbing this young man of potential increases in his draft status. 

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