Thursday, November 4, 2010

There is no way everyone does it!

Do some people get away with accepting free gifts and how long has this been going on.  Well obviously no player is going to come out and state that they have accepted free gifts from agents.  But there are retired agents that are coming out now telling how they gave players gifts and to whom they gave them to.  This just shows that yes indeed everyone does this and no the NCAA cannot catch everyone that accepts gifts from agents.  If you thought that then I guess you are WRONG but it’s okay.  This topic has been the focus of the majority of the NCAA’s focus has indeed been on this topic and they are cracking down on it tremendously.  But there are always people that slip through the cracks.  Someone always gets away with something that they aren’t supposed to and that’s why so many players accept these gifts.  They think if he did it and didn’t get caught then I can do it and get away with it to.  This is the case in any subject that you talk about that breaks the rules.  This has been going on since the beginning of pro sports.  NFL teams would offer college players contracts before they were eligible to which essentially is extra benefits.

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