Friday, November 5, 2010

A few blogs that caught my eye

This blog caught my eye from the very beginning when I saw that someone had the guts to write about the legalization of marijuana.  I figured this would be a joke blog but in fact it provided me with numerous facts showing both sides of the argument.  I got my reader high off this blog frequently throughout the week.
This blog first got my attention when it said that we should tax soda! I love soda! It helps me get through the day it helps me stay awake after pulling a all nighter and then waking up at 6 in the morning to go to workouts!  But in the end this blog showed me and persuaded me the positive effects of taxing such items and the perks of not drinking them so I have slowed down my income of that nice caffeinated substance but nothings better than that good ol Mt. Dew!

At first I said holy crap Jesus has came back and is fighting the devil again!  But I was sadly let down when I found it that it was only the Muslims and the Palestinians.  All jokes aside I found this blog to be very interesting I have a big load on my shoulders with practice and school and sometimes it is hard to keep up with the news and by checking on this blog simultaneously I got my news fix for the week.

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