Friday, November 5, 2010

A few blogs that caught my eye

This blog caught my eye from the very beginning when I saw that someone had the guts to write about the legalization of marijuana.  I figured this would be a joke blog but in fact it provided me with numerous facts showing both sides of the argument.  I got my reader high off this blog frequently throughout the week.
This blog first got my attention when it said that we should tax soda! I love soda! It helps me get through the day it helps me stay awake after pulling a all nighter and then waking up at 6 in the morning to go to workouts!  But in the end this blog showed me and persuaded me the positive effects of taxing such items and the perks of not drinking them so I have slowed down my income of that nice caffeinated substance but nothings better than that good ol Mt. Dew!

At first I said holy crap Jesus has came back and is fighting the devil again!  But I was sadly let down when I found it that it was only the Muslims and the Palestinians.  All jokes aside I found this blog to be very interesting I have a big load on my shoulders with practice and school and sometimes it is hard to keep up with the news and by checking on this blog simultaneously I got my news fix for the week.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A few theories on how we can fix this!

I have a few resolutions about how we can bring an end to this crisis involving agents and the players that take these extra benefits.  The simplest decision would be to make it legal!  It would cut out on people like the sports agents that are giving free gifts to players but some have come clean and tell the truth about what they did these articles.  Another solution would be making it illegal for agents to talk to college athletes without proper permission in all states not in just 42 this article shows how Florida deals with this issue. 

Self annalysis post

In the beginning I had the most biased look at the whole topic of the NCAA.  I believed that they were targeting players trying to bring them down and prevent them from making it to the top.  When in fact the NCAA is just trying to save these players from agents and people that are trying to have ties to players by giving them money or free trips, because all the people that are trying to be your friends and trying to give you free things are just trying to get a piece of you.  People in today’s world don’t want to see other people succeed unless they are going to succeed along with them.  By giving gifts and lending money they are just trying to grab a coat tail and hang on for that ride to the top.  In the beginning if someone would have told me this I would have said you’re wrong the NCAA is just trying to bring down these players but I now know that I had a very narrow minded view on the topic and I had done no research on the topic.  Instead of using words of slander and bringing down the NCAA we should be thanking them for helping to protect our student athletes.

A mental post

There is no way everyone does it!

Do some people get away with accepting free gifts and how long has this been going on.  Well obviously no player is going to come out and state that they have accepted free gifts from agents.  But there are retired agents that are coming out now telling how they gave players gifts and to whom they gave them to.  This just shows that yes indeed everyone does this and no the NCAA cannot catch everyone that accepts gifts from agents.  If you thought that then I guess you are WRONG but it’s okay.  This topic has been the focus of the majority of the NCAA’s focus has indeed been on this topic and they are cracking down on it tremendously.  But there are always people that slip through the cracks.  Someone always gets away with something that they aren’t supposed to and that’s why so many players accept these gifts.  They think if he did it and didn’t get caught then I can do it and get away with it to.  This is the case in any subject that you talk about that breaks the rules.  This has been going on since the beginning of pro sports.  NFL teams would offer college players contracts before they were eligible to which essentially is extra benefits.

3 players verdicts and one still waits in anticipation

When looking at the recent rulings in the NCAA investigation that took place at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill we see that 2 players have been kicked off the team but allowed to keep their scholarships and one player kicked out of the school entirely along with one individual still waiting for a verdict.  Now is this wrong some say no they deserve what they got and then we have others that believe the punishments are too harsh.  Personally I think that the two players that were suspended may have gotten what they deserved they broke the rules of the NCAA and they had to pay a certain price but in the end they will receive a education and that’s what matters in this world not how nice of a person you are or how smart you can be this world is about if you have a degree or you don’t.  The player that was kicked out of school may go to the NFL and he may play for a number of years.  But football does not last forever and the University has taken that opportunity away for that individual which is worse than just taking football away.  Last but not least the player that is still under investigation, yes he is still in school and he will get his degree but he is being held back by the NCAA in his football career.  As I stated in a earlier post the NCAA investigations are conducted backwards you are guilty until proven innocent.  I think this is wrong and it is robbing this young man of potential increases in his draft status. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Analysis post

Agents ruin player’s carriers by offering extra benefits to players this article shows the results of what happened to 3 players that accepted free benefits.;_ylt=AivbkG1_sYil6vRSniCo2hith9EF?urn=ncaaf-276107.  although this may not be the most credible source it does have some key points.  It talks about how the agents are using dirty ways to get players to sign with them.  This is affecting so many players it has even made a Heisman Trophy winner return his trophy, and that player is Reggie Bush he discusses how he feels about the situation in his post on (you have to go to the post titled “To all my fans”.  You may be asking yourself how long has things like this been taking place and this article may help  You may also be asking how agents get into the business well this article discusses how. This article also discusses how the agents worked to get the players that they did and how they paid them to sign with them.  This is a very similar article to the article found in the Boston Globe  Does the NCAA take too long to make decisions on a player’s eligibility or does it go overboard to make sure nothing else is going on?  The article found in “The Red and Black” which is the University of Georgia’s school newspaper discusses this topic   Should the NCAA work together with the NFL to bring a stop to the agent dilemma this article discusses the topic  The rules are in place to take agent’s licenses away but not by the NCAA but by 42 individual states bound to keep their collegiate athletes eligible and amateur   Coaches agree with the idea of regulating agents especially Nick Saban of Alabama   The NCAA attempts to reach out to NFL scouts for cooperation  How can Universities stop this agent epidemic that the entire country is experiencing?  This article discusses how some institutions are attempting to do this What is the NCAA doing to help stop the problem?  This article discusses it  Could the numerous NCAA investigations put agents out of business? Here is what the Sports Business Journal had to say about it  Thanks for reading this really long post!