Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is it fair to hold players out?

So for some reason it is 2:30 in the morning and I can’t sleep which really sucks because I have a 6:30 lift in the morning.  For an even stranger reason I feel like talking about how the NCAA goes about conducting the investigations that they have on players.  It is the complete opposite of the judicial system that is put in place here in America.  In the real court system you are innocent until proven guilty but in the NCAA’s court you are essentially guilty until proven innocent.  You may ask how can this happen?  Well here is how, let’s say that a player is under investigation for receiving extra benefits.  That player cannot participate in any games until the investigation has been concluded.  Even though the rule states that a player is innocent until proven guilty if they are proven guilty than the team that let that player play will have to forfeit all of their wins that they achieved with the help of that player.  This is not the way things are supposed to be.  The system is flawed just because of allegations brought upon a player should not hold him out of a game.  This hurts the team tremendously.  Take for example the University of North Carolina Tar Heels to begin the season they had 13 players withheld from their first game against LSU this year.  The Heels were missing numerous skill players that have now begun to be declared innocent.  The Heels lost that first game followed by their second game against Georgia Tech by a total of 12 points who is to say with the help of those players they don’t win those games.


  1. I can see why the NCAA has chose to punish the members of the UNC football team. I know it seems unfair considering there are probably at least another dozen teams that have violated the same regulations. The fact is that the NCAA doesn't monitor all the teams as harshly as each other. This is going to be a setback to the Tar Heels but here in North Carolina we have faith that they'll play big and come out with a solid season. So far their season has gone fairly well. It was a rough start but now they're shaping up.

  2. I see what your saying but it seems to me like the NCAA is trying to make UNC strickly a basketball school! I beleive that the University prides itself in being the best at everything. This is a tragic thing that has happened to the Tar Heels but i think they have a "Us against the world" mentality about them.
