Thursday, October 7, 2010

Today I feel like talking about how temptations of accepting the bribes that are being put in front of the college athletes today.  These Agents know what they are doing when they are asking these players if they wanted to take some free stuff such as trips, cars, money, free tickets and things like that.  Let’s be honest what college student wouldn’t accept these extravagant gifts.  Even though these athletes know that they are not supposed to accept these gifts why wouldn’t they?  In the past ten years there have only been around five major cases that have caused athletes to lose a year of eligibility because of agents.  Nick Saban coach of the defending National Champion Alabama football team went as far to call agents “pimps”.  I have found a video that shows this press conference at the SEC media day.   He says that the agents are coming in and giving these unexpecting college kids that have came from nothing lavish gifts that these kids have never had the opportunity of having.  Here is a short clip frome the SEC media day.


  1. I agree with this post a lot. In all honesty- everyone does this to some extent. Parents bribe their children with gifts, presents, and other opportunities. Teachers bribe their students with a lack of homework, tests quizzes. There's no way to determine where the line should be drawn. It's kind of like prostitution...which sports kind of is. Managers/agents sell the athletes for a certain price in exchange for a portion of the profits. There's no concrete determination to separate the "far enough" from the "too far", and nobody is hurt by the bribes, so just let it happen. Anyway- it's always the sucky people that are complaining.

  2. I completely agree. Agents talking to student athletes are jeopardizing the players futures. Lets put this into perspective. A vast majority of very good D1 athletes did not come from situations in their childhood where they were spoiled and knew nothing of extravagant gifts and loads of money. So of course these players are going to accept gifts from an agent, Not just because they are in college and ANY amount of money helps out, but also because these players are excited to get attention. My proposition is that we start punishing the “rule breaking” agents rather than the innocent players. Agents, today anyways, are able to do what they please and expect no consequences. Where’s the logic? Well that’s simple – there is none. Fine the hell out of the agents who are not abiding by the rules, or threaten to ruin their career. That’s not only the right thing to do, but should also solve the problem of players taking illegal gifts.

  3. I completely agree with the post, these college athletes are victims of this trap set up by sports agents. The double standard in punishing only the agents who are igniting the problem is what allows these situations to stil exist. If there was a punishment for these agents then they wouldn’t bribe the students. We can’t expect a 20 year old student to be put under great temptations and punish them for making the wrong choice, especially not if agents are throwing gifts at them.

  4. I totally agree with this post. I find it absolutely ridiculous that agents feel the need to bribe players in order to win influence over them. I feel like agents should be put on some type of restraining order that keeps them away from the players until they state they need an agent's help in order to enter the professional field. Agents should also be limited on the money that they can spend. Because of the stupidity of agents giving away illegal gifts to college players, some player's careers have been hurt or closed. I will be interested to hear how you feel agents should be monitored in the future.

  5. I agree with everyone on here. We should be punishing the agents. However, I do not think that the athletes should go unpunished. The rules were layed down for them and they chose to break them. Now I am not saying that we end their careers, rather I think that they should be made to do something constructive, like teaching underpriveleged kids sports or donating time to research projects. Something that is character building. Then they will know the impact they have on people and will realize how disappointed those people would be if the player did something stupid again. I hope that made sense.

  6. At PJ I see what your saying when you talk about not ending the careers of these players. Think of it this way though the NCAA knows that these players are going to go to the NFL thats why the agents are after them. So what good would it do to punish a player by making him do a little bit of community service becasue that is already required by the NCAA. The only option they have is suspension! It may be harsh but dang sure affective!

  7. Heather what you fail to realize and what I failed to realize in the beginning is there are rules in place to protect these players. But the agents slip around them get a inside guy to send you money, to offer to pay for your dinner at a reasturant, pay for all your drinks, to give your parents free gifts. How do we stop someone who has inside people! These agents are ruthless and will not be stopped untill they are banned by the NFL.

  8. At AMF you bring up a valid point there is a HUGE double standard but isnt there double standards through out this thing we call life. The one who makes the wrong decision gets punished not the one who offered the choice thats the way the world is today. Im not saying its right I'm just saying the truth.

  9. JQ your right we should punish the agents but the simple fact is by the time we find them out they are retired. They have so many people in there scheme of lies. Its like trying to find your way through a maze blind folded after spinning your head on a bat for 10 mins. it so hard to find these agents. But when schools find out who they are they are imediately banned from that campus

  10. Mitchell now in everything else in this world you would be right. The sucky people always complain but its not the fact that anyone is complaining. The reason the NCAA is monitoring and cracking down so hard is so that they can help these players go on to the NFL without any stings attached.
