Thursday, October 14, 2010

Analysis post

Agents ruin player’s carriers by offering extra benefits to players this article shows the results of what happened to 3 players that accepted free benefits.;_ylt=AivbkG1_sYil6vRSniCo2hith9EF?urn=ncaaf-276107.  although this may not be the most credible source it does have some key points.  It talks about how the agents are using dirty ways to get players to sign with them.  This is affecting so many players it has even made a Heisman Trophy winner return his trophy, and that player is Reggie Bush he discusses how he feels about the situation in his post on (you have to go to the post titled “To all my fans”.  You may be asking yourself how long has things like this been taking place and this article may help  You may also be asking how agents get into the business well this article discusses how. This article also discusses how the agents worked to get the players that they did and how they paid them to sign with them.  This is a very similar article to the article found in the Boston Globe  Does the NCAA take too long to make decisions on a player’s eligibility or does it go overboard to make sure nothing else is going on?  The article found in “The Red and Black” which is the University of Georgia’s school newspaper discusses this topic   Should the NCAA work together with the NFL to bring a stop to the agent dilemma this article discusses the topic  The rules are in place to take agent’s licenses away but not by the NCAA but by 42 individual states bound to keep their collegiate athletes eligible and amateur   Coaches agree with the idea of regulating agents especially Nick Saban of Alabama   The NCAA attempts to reach out to NFL scouts for cooperation  How can Universities stop this agent epidemic that the entire country is experiencing?  This article discusses how some institutions are attempting to do this What is the NCAA doing to help stop the problem?  This article discusses it  Could the numerous NCAA investigations put agents out of business? Here is what the Sports Business Journal had to say about it  Thanks for reading this really long post!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is it fair to hold players out?

So for some reason it is 2:30 in the morning and I can’t sleep which really sucks because I have a 6:30 lift in the morning.  For an even stranger reason I feel like talking about how the NCAA goes about conducting the investigations that they have on players.  It is the complete opposite of the judicial system that is put in place here in America.  In the real court system you are innocent until proven guilty but in the NCAA’s court you are essentially guilty until proven innocent.  You may ask how can this happen?  Well here is how, let’s say that a player is under investigation for receiving extra benefits.  That player cannot participate in any games until the investigation has been concluded.  Even though the rule states that a player is innocent until proven guilty if they are proven guilty than the team that let that player play will have to forfeit all of their wins that they achieved with the help of that player.  This is not the way things are supposed to be.  The system is flawed just because of allegations brought upon a player should not hold him out of a game.  This hurts the team tremendously.  Take for example the University of North Carolina Tar Heels to begin the season they had 13 players withheld from their first game against LSU this year.  The Heels were missing numerous skill players that have now begun to be declared innocent.  The Heels lost that first game followed by their second game against Georgia Tech by a total of 12 points who is to say with the help of those players they don’t win those games.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Today I feel like talking about how temptations of accepting the bribes that are being put in front of the college athletes today.  These Agents know what they are doing when they are asking these players if they wanted to take some free stuff such as trips, cars, money, free tickets and things like that.  Let’s be honest what college student wouldn’t accept these extravagant gifts.  Even though these athletes know that they are not supposed to accept these gifts why wouldn’t they?  In the past ten years there have only been around five major cases that have caused athletes to lose a year of eligibility because of agents.  Nick Saban coach of the defending National Champion Alabama football team went as far to call agents “pimps”.  I have found a video that shows this press conference at the SEC media day.   He says that the agents are coming in and giving these unexpecting college kids that have came from nothing lavish gifts that these kids have never had the opportunity of having.  Here is a short clip frome the SEC media day.