Thursday, September 30, 2010

Introductory Post

When watching any sports games there are always the standout players, the guys that make the big plays, the big hits, the clutch moves, and the plays you’ll never forget. The difference in college sports and professional sports is that the players are getting paid in the pros and the players in college cannot receive a single penny outside of their scholarship.  If a college athlete accepts money or gifts from outside sources they are subject to become ineligible and their team may be stripped of all wins that the player was involved in.  The problem with this rule is that agents are able to contact these players and although they are not supposed to they give players these extra benefits.  Let’s be serious what college student is not going to take a free trip, a free car, a free house, or any other gift offered by an agent.  If these players accept these gifts they will be punished as I said earlier but the agents themselves are not punished one bit.  That means that they have the right to offer these kids all of these gifts and not pay any consequences.  But if a player accepts a gift their entire season can be taken away.  It sounds to me like there is a double standard in place here.  For those of you who are asking why a agent would try and bribe these athletes it is because they will sign for upwards $70 million over 6 years.  These agents are trying to get a head start on the competition and guarantee these athletes signing with them so that they can get a cut of that money.